
Apple launched iBeacon technology in June 2013. Since its launch, it has become a massive hit in the market. Beacon is a Bluetooth-based concept that allows users to share data within short distances. In simple words, it requires two systems, a sender-beacon device, and a receiver beacon device. The broadcast beacon device always displays “I am here, and my ID is…” while the receiver beacon device will detect the ID than pair with it.


Apple developed IBeacon. It is a technology which uses Bluetooth low-energy proximity detector to transmit signal within Apple devices. This technology was created to bring location-based information and services to devices that run on iOS, including iPad, and instruments which are capable of receiving and sending iBeacon signal. IBeacon technology is transforming the world of businesses where location plays a vital role. The iBeacon applications send a notification when it gets disconnected with other beacon devices. Along with this, the beacon application’s signal sometimes disrupt transmission when there is some obstacle such as construction work, thick wall, and metal doors in your route.

Difference between iBeacon and GPS

Now that you already know about what is a beacon, and you must be thinking that this technology is almost the same as GPS. The significant difference between both the technologies is – GPS, is mostly used for navigation and for sharing location-based information on the road or while you are traveling outside. But iBeacon is something different, and the technology moves a step forward. This technology gives accurate tracking information also when you are inside a building.

Advantages of iBeacon Technology

Tracking: To grow your business, you need to engage your customers. And the iBeacon technology undeniably works for the same. As soon as customers reach your store, you can send them relevant information, deals, and offers and can engage them in your product for a long time.

Cost-effective: Beacon technology is gaining popularity because they are extremely cost-effective. In comparison to other technology such as NFC, iBeacon is economical and more beneficial.

Micro Location: Although GPS offers the most precise, real-time locations and tracking information. However, it cannot be used inside a building. On the other hand, iBeacon navigation works effectively also inside a building.

Future of iBeacons in Retail Industry

So after understanding the basics and advantages lets understand how iBeacon can change the retail and shopping industry in the future.

The use of Bluetooth Low Energy

This latest technology is used by iBeacon for communication purposes. Its two-way communication designed in a triangular pattern for a specified space.

When the device reaches close to the transmitter, it gets a better signal and provides you the exact location of customers.

Sure to be used for Big Data

Local owners and businesspersons are now capable of finding the precise location of customers in their store and also they can understand what their customers are seeing. They can send notifications to their customers regarding their products and services.

Apple integrating iBeacon to the Retail Stores

After the launch of iBeacon, Apple is busy integrating iBeacon devices into retail stores to enrich the customer’s experience. They already developed 260 Apple retail store and they’ll add many more in the upcoming years.

Popular Amidst Retailers

One thing for sure, that the future of iBeacon is boundless in the retail industry. As soon as the retailers get to know that iBeacon devices are helping them to enhance the sales. They are using it more efficiently.

Also Available for Android Users

Although it is the Apple technology, but Android users can also use it. They need to use the 4.3 or higher version and need to download an SDK file specifically.

Helpful for other Industries

iBeacon devices are not only designed for the retail industry. iBeacon devices play a significant role in sports, games, and events.

iBeacon is Relatively Easier and Budget-FriendlieriBeacon devices are economical. You can buy four Beacon devices in approx. $100. The devices are connected to CMS and apps. Another device that you need to have is a transmitter. These devices are affordable and ready to use


IBeacon technology offers great ways for companies to communicate with users.  In comparison to other technology, the iBeacon provides innovative yet straightforward approach to revolutionize both- business and marketing. Beacon technology changes the way people shop. Retailers are following this technology to stay ahead in their business. They are facing tough competition from online business platforms, but they can enhance their business sales through this technology.

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